#BeActive in Rome with S.S. Lazio next 28 September

Support the “Sport for All” approach, with the aim of encouraging everyone to practice physical activity and #BeActive. This is the spirit of the day promoted by Società Sportiva Lazio, in sinergy with “Ufficio per lo Sport” of the Italian Presidency of the Council, that will take place next 28th September in Rome (Villa Glori – Viale Pilsudski 25). During the event, boys and girls from 3 to 14 years old and seniors over-50, will have the opportunity to practice different sports offered by the S.S. Lazio sections. Special activities will be realised for people with disabilities.
These activies will be realised in the framework of the European Week of Sport, the annual event of the European Commission, that sees the presence of the European Multisport Club Association as partner. Taking place every year from 23 to 30 September, the Week allows millions of people to collaborate on building better, healthier lifestyles for citizens across the world.
Specifically, the Rome event of the 28th September will see the presence of the following Lazio sections:
- S.S. Lazio Equitazione
- S.S. Lazio Unità Cinofile
- S.S. Lazio Bowling
- S.S. Lazio Ginnastica
- S.S. Lazio Atletica Leggera
- S.S. Lazio Krav Maga
- S.S. Lazio Karate
- S.S. Lazio Basket in Carrozzina
Enjoy and #BeActive! For more information visit: www.sslazio.org/festadellosportpertutti