About Us
EMCA is a non-political and non-profit Association that inspires its activity to the principles expressed in the “Declaration on Multisport” signed in Brussels on January 8th 2013. Since 31st January 2017, EMCA has obtained the legal status of “Association Sans But Lucratif” according to the Belgian law.
The aim is the development and dissemination of sports as a mean of psycho-physical and moral integrity, promoting the activities of the affiliated sports clubs operating on European scale through the management of all forms of competitive sports, recreational activities including cultural entertainment and leisure activities, events, trips and social events and many other type of physical activity capable of maintaining the human body in shape.
Specifically, for the best achievement of corporate objectives, the Association may, among other things, perform the activity of operation, supervision and maintenance of facilities and equipment enabled to sport, organize competitions, championships, events among the sports clubs associated, as well as programs for starting, updating and improvement in the performance of sports promoted, with particular reference to youth activities and the exchange of good practice and sports among Multisport members.

The Association may also encourage the submission of projects in line with its objectives in international institutions, the European Union and the countries of origin of the national Multisport Clubs. Particular attention will be given to projects aimed at the fight against doping, intolerance and violence, access to sport for people with disabilities, to promote social inclusion of immigrants and gender equality and good governance as a result of the osmosis between professional and amateurial practice.