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Project Partner Meeting in Brussels: STAY! 

A project partner meeting for “STAY! DECREASING TEENAGE DROPOUT IN SPORT” was held on January 28th, 2024, in the Lily-Rose room at SilverSquare, Avenue Arnaud Fraiteur 15-23, 1050 Bruxelles. The meeting took place from 9:00 to 13:00.

Topics Discussed:

  1. Good Practice Report:
    • Review and finalization of the “Report on Systematic Review and Good Practices in the Field of Sport Dropout Prevention,” drafted by UNICAS.
    • Finalization of focus group reports and setting a deadline for the “Study on Identifying Barriers and Needs Concerning Dropout in Sports Organizations.”
  2. E-learning Platform:
    • Deciding on the format and content presentation for the platform.
  3. Social Programs:
    • Steps for developing social programs.
  4. Communication:
    • Communication tasks and strategies.
  5. Next Steps:
    • Implementation of the E-learning platform.
    • Scheduling the next in-person meeting.
    • Interim report preparation.


  • HAŠK Mladost: Dunja Bračun and Bojan Mijatović
  • EMCA: Gina Luzzato and Ines Jakopanec
  • TSV Bayer: Malte Kalsbach, Jim Weyerstrass and Josephine Auerbach
  • Levski: Vanina Milanova and Lucien Velchev
  • SUS: Mojca Markovič
  • Lazio: Gabriella Bascelli
  • UNICAS: Alessandro Figus
  • Area Q: Ramon Crespo and Eva Caballero (discussing how to best monitor and evaluate project outcomes)

The meeting effectively advanced the project’s goals, laying out steps for future activities and ensuring alignment among partners for the project’s successful continuation.